Monday, May 27, 2013

Rappelling the Canyon

Rapelling the Rockies

If you are looking for a weekend whirl and some adventure in Colorado Springs, don't forget to consider the North Cheyenne Canyon located just west of the Southgate area in the heart of the luxurious Cheyenne Mountain community. WHY you ask???????...............

The end of my May was spectacular. Although we were limited by time restraints, My Brother in Arms called me and requested a 3 hour repelling trip. All the while, I am thinking, "three hours??? It will be impossible to head up a sheer trail and then set up in  enough time to rope down a 70 ft rock face!!!." In the spirit of adventure, I still couldn't turn down the offer. at the very least I would get to spend an afternoon with one of my closest friends. 

We darted through traffic in a car loaded down with gear that probably equaled the poor car's weight. After we bullied our way through the tourist crowds, our karma paid us back with what seemed like a near 90 degree slope to find very little options for anchors. As gravel slipped beneath our feet, it was a little hard to keep confidence in our new crumbling friend. We found a half dead tree and small, even deader tree that was definitely on his way out of this life and decided he would hold on for dear life for us after as we proceeded to do the same. We attached a spare anchor of course.

After a long, hard thought breath was taken, My friend slid down first as there was no way I was. After watching him, I soon followed. Morale of the story you say? The North Cheyenne Canyon is overlooked for its climbing potential every day. Most leaflets and climbing forums don't mention it. I am here to tell you, there are climbing appropriations for all experience levels. Whether on a 3 hour tour or an all day mission, take time out your monotonous week to give it a hike at the very minimum. 

For more information, please contact the Garden of the Gods visitor's center @ (719) 634-6666


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